Friday, December 27, 2019

Factors That Influence The Child Development Scene Essay

What is Child Development? Child development is the study of the persistent, cumulative, and progressive changes in the physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development of children and adolescents. This paper will focus on the many theorists that helped influence the child development scene. I will also discuss development trends and milestones associated with child development as well as strategies to support children’s development. Lastly I will discuss the role that play has on child development. Introduction Play is an activity that is chosen freely and is motivated and directed from within. Adequate space for play space and a wide variety of play materials can be crucial in the development of children (Goldstein, 2012). In early childhood education, play is particularly valued and embedded in the curriculum. The importance of play is stemmed from the contribution it makes towards the cognitive, physical, social and emotional well-being of children and youth (Ginsburg, 2005).Continuous play between children and their peers as well as adults can enhance their social competence and emotional maturity. Play is considered as the pillar of the society since it facilitates communication between people especially because they are expected to handle various roles. During play, children develop all the skills required, making it a very significant aspect of their lives (Goldstein, 2012). The developments of different cognitive, affective and personal processes areShow MoreRelatedTele vised Violence causes Aggression in Young Boys1555 Words   |  7 Pagesnetwork, like cartoon network, age appropriate shows without violence, they display the fighting and weapons making the child believe that these actions are acceptable. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Misconceptions of African American life Essay - 2549 Words

Misconceptions of African American life â€Å"When you control a mans thinking you do not have to worry about his actions. You do not have to tell him not to stand here or go yonder. He will find his proper place and will stay in it. You do not need to send him to the back door. He will go without being told. In fact, if there is no back door, he will cut one for his special benefit. His education makes it necessary.† This quote, spoken true by a prominent African American scholar of the 20th century, Carson Woodson, is aimed at shedding light on the inherent miseducation of African Americans. His beliefs that controlling one’s thinking with such a powerful grasp that allows little or no movement will lead to that individual behaving†¦show more content†¦The vast majority of aids in this process, however, come from African American scholars, writers, poets, film-makers, etc., who have set out to expose the â€Å"miseducation of the Negro† into believing and acting upon forced actions or opinions and to learn the truths behind their actual heritage. Four works that susinctly bring the â€Å"miseducation† about African American history into the spotlight of the national public are Claude McKay’s â€Å"The Lynching†, Harriet Jacob’s â€Å"Incidents in the Life of A Slavegirl†, Gordon Park’s â€Å"Washington D.C. Charwoman†, and Spike Lee’s â€Å"School Daze.† All four works illustrate a common thread of the misconception of African-American life by blacks themselves, as well as Caucasians around them, that has been carried intact through many a generations in the history of the United States. The earliest example that I would like to call attention to is Claude McKay’s poem entitled â€Å"The Lynching.† In my opinion, this poem addresses the commonly held misconceptions of both blacks and whites against African Americans during the period of slavery in the U.S. In terms of the miseducation of African Americans, the author uses the line of â€Å"The awful sin remained still unforgiven† to insinuate that being born black was considered by him and other African Americans at that time to be a sin or something to be ashamed of. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Project Management and Ethical Decision Making

Question: Discuss about the Project Management and Ethical Decision Making. Answer: Introduction All the three examples on management research such as Understanding and supporting the career implications of international assignments, Cross-cultural training and expatriate adjustment: A study of western expatriates in Nigeria and The effect of ethnic diversity on expatriate managers in their host country provide different insights in the aspect of management decision making. However, all the three examples on management research have few similarities in terms of their approaches towards the problem. On the other hand, it is also a fact that the managers can utilize the conclusions as well as the findings portrayed in each example through a specific way. Apart from that, the managers can also find the studies of equal value or would also be able to differentiate in the research approach lead to the distinctions in the value of the studies made in the example to inform the management decision making (Collings et al. 2011). Therefore, this section aims to highlight all these aspects mentioned above by conducting a comparative study among the three examples based on management research. Similarities or Differences in the Three Research Approaches In spite of the differences in the insights presented in the three examples, there are few similarities among the studies. Collings et al. (2011) have portrayed a study on understanding as well as supporting the implications of the international assignments on career. This study has drawn the insights from the empirical research as well as the unpublished instances from the practice for exploring how the global assignees can be supported during, after and before the accomplishment of the global assignment. On the other hand, Okpara and Kabongo (2011) have illustrated an in-depth insight on the cross-cultural expatriate and training adjustment based on the study of Nigerian expatriates. According to Okpara and Kabongo (2011), the globalization enhancement has resulted in more employees being sent on the foreign assignments than ever before with each indication that the utilization of expatriates would continue for expanding in the future. Besides that, Freeman and Lindsay (2012) have provided a deepened insight on the effect of ethnic diversity on the expatriate managers in their country. Therefore, the methods or approaches utilized in all the three examples are different. Collings et al. (2011) have selected the primary data collection method in order to portray their findings in regards to the subject of that example. On the other hand, Okpara and Kabongo (2011) and Freeman and Lindsay (2012) have utilized secondary data collection techniques in order to interpret their findings aligned with the analysis they have aimed to demonstrate in the rest of the two examples. With the help of the primary data collection method, Collings et al. (2011) have tried to convey their analysis through proper, valid and live evidences. Moreover, Okpara and Kabongo (2011) and Freeman and Lindsay (2012) have utilized the secondary data sources in order to establish more relevance in their management research studies. Utilization of Findings and Conclusions Presented in Eeach Example by a Manager The findings as well as the conclusions portrayed in all the three examples on management research can effectively help a manager in order to take appropriate decisions in all the three management research aspects conveyed in the studies. With the help of the conclusion and findings interpreted in the first examples, a manager can easily understand the fact that the international assignees represent an essential cohort of international migrants (Mitchelmore and Rowley 2013). Moreover they prefer comparatively advantaged position within the labor market in comparison towards another of migrants formation that is considered in this specific symposium. On the other hand, from the findings portrayed in the second example, a manager can easily understand the investigated effect of the prior international experience of the expatriate on the facets of the adjustment of expatriates (Asif et al. 2013). Therefore, a manager can also understand the fact that the pre-move cultural training has a positive influence on the international assignment adaptation. Moreover, through the findings implicated in the third examples, a manager can understand the fact that the cultural training and foreign should be the major aspect of expatriate training for facilitating more efficient socialization and communication in the foreign subsidiaries. Value of the Studies for Informing Management Decision-making After studying completely all the three examples, it can be clearly understood that a manager can find these studies of equal value in the research approaches result in the value of a study in order to inform the management decision making (Schmoll et al. 2012). This is simply because of the fact that the findings and conclusions portrayed in all the three examples can effectively help a particular manager in order to make proper decisions. It could easily be done by understanding the essence of the cross-cultural training for the expatriate employees and the effect of ethnic diversity on expatriate managers in the host nation. Two articles Entrepreneurial competencies of women entrepreneurs pursuing business growth and An integrated management systems approach to corporate social responsibility can be selected as the two another examples of management research. These two articles have been selected in order to discuss the possible reasons behind the differences and similarities in these examples with the three examples discussed above (Roehrich, Grosvold and Hoejmose 2014). First of all, in case of the similarities between these two articles with the above mentioned articles, it can easily be stated that all the studies can help a manager in taking effective decisions in order to manage the work culture, business operations as well as the employee engagement within the business activities. In todays business world, women empowerment has become one of the most crucial concerns. Moreover, women entrepreneurs are becoming the pivotal part of the global business (Ford and Richardson 2013). Moreover, in order t o maintain corporate social responsibility, organizations are more focusing on implementing the integrated management system approach. Therefore, managers should take proper decisions in regards to these aspects of women empowerment and accomplishing corporate social responsibility. As per the differences in these two articles with the previously discussed articles, it can be seen that the areas of decision making for the managers are different. Both the two articles are based on the women entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility maintenance whereas the articles discussed previously portrayed the views regarding the cross cultural training aspects for the organizational people (Mitchelmore and Rowley 2013). Moreover, the three examples also provided a deepened insight regarding the expatriate adjustment regarding which managers should be capable of taking appropriate decisions. In order to be efficient in taking decisions in the management grounds, managers should go through specific researches for gaining knowledge regarding the management practices. Leaders as well as managers should have enough knowledge about the ways through which they can effectively handle all the situations inside the work culture (Asif et al. 2013). Therefore, all the five examples mentioned and analyzed in this study can help properly the managers to understand the authentic with the help of which they can take appropriate in order to improve the business operations. On the other hand, it must be stated that all these decisions should be concerned about the employee benefit. Managers can be capable of learning the most significant techniques from analyzing these specific management research studies (Ford and Richardson 2013). With the help of this research studies, they can be capable of maintaining all their responsibilities such as staffing, communicating effectively with all th eir subordinates, training their employees, maintaining diversity within the workplace, and especially managing the rise in business growth. References Asif, M., Searcy, C., Zutshi, A. and Fisscher, O.A., 2013. An integrated management systems approach to corporate social responsibility.Journal of cleaner production,56, pp.7-17. Collings, D.G., Doherty, N., Luethy, M. and Osborn, D., 2011. Understanding and supporting the career implications of international assignments.Journal of Vocational Behavior,78(3), pp.361-371. Ford, R.C. and Richardson, W.D., 2013. Ethical decision making: A review of the empirical literature. InCitation classics from the Journal of Business Ethics(pp. 19-44). Springer Netherlands. Freeman, S. and Lindsay, S., 2012. The effect of ethnic diversity on expatriate managers in their host country.International Business Review,21(2), pp.253-268. Roehrich, J., Grosvold, J. and U. Hoejmose, S., 2014. Reputational risks and sustainable supply chain management: Decision making under bounded rationality.International Journal of Operations Production Management,34(5), pp.695-719. Mitchelmore, S. and Rowley, J., 2013. Entrepreneurial competencies of women entrepreneurs pursuing business growth.Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development,20(1), pp.125-142. Okpara, J.O. and Kabongo, J.D., 2011. Cross-cultural training and expatriate adjustment: A study of western expatriates in Nigeria.Journal of world business,46(1), pp.22-30. Schmoll, H.J., Van Cutsem, E., Stein, A., Valentini, V., Glimelius, B., Haustermans, K., Nordlinger, B., Van de Velde, C.J., Balmana, J., Regula, J. and Nagtegaal, I.D., 2012. ESMO Consensus Guidelines for management of patients with colon and rectal cancer. a personalized approach to clinical decision making.Annals of Oncology,23(10), pp.2479-2516.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Priest(Kafka vs Camus) Essay Example For Students

The Priest(Kafka vs Camus) Essay The Outsider, written by Albert Camus, and The Trial, written by Franz Kafka, are two books that have been critically acclaimed since the time that they were published. There are critics that claim that The Outsider is a dull book, and is not even a read-worthy book. Other people claim that it shows us how society actually acts upon people who do not want to be like the rest of society. The Trial falls under the same kind of criticism; but both books, although written by different writers in a different poque, fall under the same kind of genre: Imprisoned Lives. In both The Outsider and The Trial there are many people who influence the protagonists in a positive and in a negative way, but none of those characters are as important as the priest. The priest, being of the same profession in both books and trying to accomplish the same kind of tasks, have a totally different effect on the two protagonists. In The Outsider the priest changes the whole attitude that Meursault has to life, whereas in The Trial the priest tells Joseph K. how his life actually is. We will write a custom essay on The Priest(Kafka vs Camus) specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Why do you refuse to see me? This question was asked by the priest and was meant for Meursault. Normally, if a person is convicted to death, he will see a priest before the sentence is executed. Meursault did not do that. He profusely refused to see the priest and why should he? He did not believe in god. Meursault did not care, as he did not care if his mother died, or if someone proposed marriage to him. This of course went totally against the rules and ethics of society, which cannot permit such kind of behaviour. But why does Cams characterize Meursault like that? Why did he create such kind of an outsider to society? Cams created such an outsider because he wanted to show people how life actually is. Society does not accept people who do not bend the truth a little and lie. Society wants to make life as easy as can be, making up lies so that everything can run smoothly because truth can hurt sometimes, and Cams knows that. Cams implements the priest not just as another character in the novel, but as a person who wants to tell Meursault how society expects him to behave. Meursault did not want to know how he has to act to make the society happy, as a matter of fact, the priest was beginning to annoy him. Meursault was not even following what the priest said but rather gazed out of the cell into the sky. Cams wants to show us actually how uninterested Meursault is in the priest. But all this is about to change because Cams adds an unexpected twist. The priest mentions how even the hardest of criminals stare at something at one point in their life and imagine a divine face in it. Meursault did not see the face of Jesus Christ in it, but he saw the face of Marie, the girl who proposed the marriage to him. But this was the turning life in Meursaults life. All of a sudden he starts to care about things and take some interest in things, and that explains the outrage he suddenly got against the priest. Meursault knows that he his going to die, and he cannot accept that. His whole attitude all of a sudden changed. Cams shows us that a person cannot go against society and that society and the majority, be it good or bad, will always win. .ue5504af0f09e1d9166bcfcded10ecf43 , .ue5504af0f09e1d9166bcfcded10ecf43 .postImageUrl , .ue5504af0f09e1d9166bcfcded10ecf43 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue5504af0f09e1d9166bcfcded10ecf43 , .ue5504af0f09e1d9166bcfcded10ecf43:hover , .ue5504af0f09e1d9166bcfcded10ecf43:visited , .ue5504af0f09e1d9166bcfcded10ecf43:active { border:0!important; } .ue5504af0f09e1d9166bcfcded10ecf43 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue5504af0f09e1d9166bcfcded10ecf43 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue5504af0f09e1d9166bcfcded10ecf43:active , .ue5504af0f09e1d9166bcfcded10ecf43:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue5504af0f09e1d9166bcfcded10ecf43 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue5504af0f09e1d9166bcfcded10ecf43 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue5504af0f09e1d9166bcfcded10ecf43 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue5504af0f09e1d9166bcfcded10ecf43 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue5504af0f09e1d9166bcfcded10ecf43:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue5504af0f09e1d9166bcfcded10ecf43 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue5504af0f09e1d9166bcfcded10ecf43 .ue5504af0f09e1d9166bcfcded10ecf43-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue5504af0f09e1d9166bcfcded10ecf43:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Windhover By Hopkins EssayKafkas priest however was different. He did not tell to change Joseph K.s life but rather told Joseph K. how his life is and how unjust society actually is. The setting that Kafka creates is pretty phenomenal. The cathedral is dark and gloomy, only lighted by some oil lamps which have a small illumination radius. It is a rainy day, which gives it an even more sad and depressing feeling. As time passes by, the inside of the cathedral gets darker and darker, which creates a sort of evil foreshadowing of what will happen at the end of the book. Then the priest comes to the altar, which is humorous because there will be no sermon right now. It is rain y, a weekday and nobody showed up at the church. But that is the illusion Kafka wants to create. The priest is not there to preach, he is there to talk to Joseph K. During the talk the priest has with Joseph K., Kafka uses the analogy with the doorman. But why did Kafka use this? Kafka used this analogy because he wanted to show us how unjust and corrupt the court and justice system actually is. Yes, the government states that the law is there so everybody can benefit from it; justice is there for everybody and that anybody can access it with no difficulty. But later Kafka writes that everything is accessible to man, except the law. The law is closed to him, which means there will be no justice because the law cannot be accessed, and without the law there cannot be any justice. Through this scene Kafka also foreshadows that Joseph K. has been played the fool, and that the court is actually unjust and that he was convicted unjustly. Now, Joseph K. did not know this. He thought that everything was well, and that his appeal has already been processed and that he would be free in a few days. But that is why Kafka put in the priest, so that he can clarify to Joseph K. how and in what situation the life of Joseph K. actually stands. Both books make profound impact on the readers; some reject the novels and regard them as absolute trash because they do not want to accept that society actually is how the two authors, Albert Camus and Franz Kafka, portray them to be. They both carry a lot of hidden messages and meanings and how the authors actually feel about the society they live in. They criticize society because the society is corrupt and unjust, and that is what the authors wanted us readers to find out ourselves because one person alone cannot make any changes. It has to be many persons, perhaps even a whole society. Many critics have criticized these books, trying to bring down their popularity because they themselves have been a part of the corrupt and unjust society and they do not want to admit that they belong to one of these societies. These books portray the truth of what kind of world we live in today and that we should think about ourselves and what our ethics in life actually are.